Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Attorney Dan Lukasik is currently writing a book on depression in the legal profession for the forthcoming ABA book publication "A Terrible Melancholy: Depression in the Legal Profession."

Dan is currently interviewing law students, lawyers, and judges nation-wide who suffer from depression.

Dan is specifically looking for 15-20 minute law student contributions (open or anonymous) to be included in his book.  The contributions will offer suggestions for healing, help and hope, as 40-51% of law students suffer from depression. Compelling stories of perseverance as well as coping strategies would be very helpful. Lawyers and judges are also welcome to participate.

Are there any law students willingly to make a contribution to the book?

Please check out the website below to get a better idea of the book as well as the great things Dan is doing for our legal community.

You can contact Dan directly via his site: http://www.

